cow milk


Buffaloes also called as Bubalus bublis belong to the family bovidae, sub-family bovinae, genus bubalis and species arni or the wild Indian buffalo. Out of all breeds we are woring on Murrah breed. The Murrah buffalo is a breed of water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) mainly kept for milk production. It originates in Punjab and Haryana states of India, where it is kept in the districts of Bhiwani, Hisar, Rohtak, Jind, Jhajhar, Fatehabad, Gurgaon and the capital region of Delhi.
Murrah buffaloes are jet black in colour, sometimes with white markings on the face or legs. Their eyes are black, active, and prominent in females, but slightly shrunken in males and should not be walled, i.e., the cornea should not have whiteness. Their necks are long and thin in females and thick and massive in males. Their ears are short, thin, and alert

Both buffalo and cow’s milk are highly nutritious and provide a great amount of vitamins and minerals, but buffalo milk packs more nutrients and calories per serving.

Buffalo Milk data
Buffalo milk Whole 
Carbs12 grams
Protein9 grams
Fat17 grams
Lactose13 grams
Calcium 32% of the Daily Value (DV) 21% of the DV
Buffalo milk has more protein, fat, and lactose than whole cow’s milk.
Consuming milk with higher protein content increases your feelings of fullness. This may help reduce food intake throughout the day, thus helping you lose weight and body fat 
On the other hand, if you are not into much of physical exercise and if you want to reduce your fat intake or have mild lactose intolerance, opting for Desi cow’s A2 milk may be better.
Buffalo milk also has  vitamins and minerals. It provides 41% of the DV for phosphorus, 32% of the DV for calcium, 19% of the DV for magnesium, and 14% of the DV for vitamin A, compared with 29%, 21%, 6%, and 12% in cow’s milk, respectively (6Trusted Source, 7Trusted Source).
It’s also worth noting that because buffaloes are more effective at converting beta-carotene — an antioxidant with a distinctive yellow color — into vitamin A, their milk is whiter than cow’s milk
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